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"Hari Membakar Al-Quran" Kerahkan Milisi Kristen Bersenjata

"Hari Membakar Al-Quran" Kerahkan Milisi Kristen Bersenjata

Rabu, 25/08/2010 12:25 WIB | email | print | share
Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC), lembaga yang akan menggelar "Hari Membakar Al-Quran Internasional" di AS akan memanfaatkan dukungan milisi bersenjata Kristen untuk menjaga gereja yang akan dijadikan lokasi acara tersebut. Lembaga yang berbasis di Gainesville, Florida itu membuat ide "Hari Membakar Al-Quran Internasional" untuk memperingati 9 tahun serangan 11 September 2001.
Bukan cuma untuk mengenang para korban serangan itu, dalam promosi di situs dan halaman facebook, DWOC terang-terangan menyatakan bahwa "Hari Membakar Al-Quran" sekaligus untuk menyatakan sikap anti-Islam. Di Facebook, DWOC sudah mendapat 6.000 dukungan pengguna situs jejaring sosial itu.
Pastor Terry Jones yang berada di belakang DWOC mengatakan bahwa kelompok milisi bersenjata Kristen Right Wing Extreme juga mendukung "Hari Membakar Al-Quran" dan menawarkan diri untuk membantu terlaksananya acara tersebut. Right Wing Extreme akan mengirimkan 500-2.000 anggota mereka untuk menjaga gereja yang akan menjadi tempat acara pembakaran Al-Quran.
"Kami butuh perlindungan, apalagi kami sudah banyak menerima ancaman dibunuh dan teror lewat email maupun telepon," kata Jones.
FBI, sambung Jones, juga sudah mengingatkan akan adanya ancaman tersebut, baik terhadap anggota DWOC maupun target-target lainnya di Florida.
Sejauh ini, pihak Right Wing Extreme belum memberikan komentar resmi soal dukungan mereka terhadap "Hari Membakar Al-Quran." Tapi pernyataan yang diperlihatkan Jones menunjukkan bahwa pendiri kelompok milisi itu, Shannon Carson mengatakan bahwa mereka mendukung penuh Dove World Outreach Center dan upaya lembaga itu untuk menghapus anggapan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang damai.
"Islam adalah agama pengkultusan yang bertujuan ingin mendominasi dunia," tulis Carson.
Komunitas Muslim dan sejumlah komunitas Kristen di AS mengecam ide "Hari Membakar Al-Quran." Para pemuka agama di Gainesville akan menggelar acara tandingan "Gathering for Peace, Understanding and Hope" pada tanggal 10 September untuk menentang acara anti-Islam itu. Sementara organisasi advokasi muslim Council American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) menyerukan komunitas Muslim di AS untuk membuat kegiatan "Shares the Quran" dan akan membagikan 100.000 Al-Quran pada masyarakat setempat dan para pejabat lokal dan pejabat pemerintah AS. (ln/CNN)


"Burn the Day of Al-Quran" Forces Christian militia muster Wednesday, 25/08/2010 12:25 pm | email | print | share
Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC), the agency that will hold a "Day of International Quran Burning" in the U.S. will take advantage of support for armed militias to guard Christian churches that will be the location of the event. Institution based in Gainesville, Florida it makes the idea of "Burn the Quran Day International" to commemorate 9 / 11 attacks in 2001.
Not only to commemorate the victims of the attack, in the promotion of the website and facebook page, DWOC openly declared that "the Day: Burn the Quran" as well as to express his anti-Islamic. On Facebook, DWOC've got 6000 users support the social networking site.
Pastor Terry Jones, who was behind DWOC said that the armed militia group Extreme Christian Right Wing also supports "Burn the Day of Al-Quran" and offered to help implement the event. Extreme Right Wing 500-2000 will send their members to keep the church where the event will be the burning of the Koran.
"We need protection, let alone we have received many threats and terror murdered by email or telephone," said Jones.
FBI, continued Jones, also was reminded that there are threats, both against members DWOC and other targets in Florida.
So far, the Extreme Right Wing has not given an official comment about their support for the "Day of Burning Qur'an." But Jones's statement disclosed that the founders of the militia groups, Shannon Carson said that they fully support the Dove World Outreach Center and the efforts the agency to remove the notion that Islam is a religion of peace.
"Islam is a religion cult that aims to dominate the world," wrote Carson.
Muslim community and a number of Christian communities in the United States criticized the idea of "Burn the Day of Al-Quran." Religious leaders in Gainesville will hold a counter event "Gathering for Peace, Understanding and Hope" on September 10 to oppose anti-Islamic event. While the advocacy organization American Muslim Council-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on the Muslim community in the U.S. to make the "Shares the Quran" and will distribute 100 000 Al-Quran at the local community and local officials and U.S. government officials. (Ln / CNN)